Archive for the 'E-book' Category

Sep 20 2009

Madison Bistro Treats E-Book

Published by under Dessert,E-book,Gluten Free

Dulce de Leche Chocolate Chip Cookies

I decided to shake things up a bit with this e-book. Previously, I had used a service to take care of the sending out the e-book to people, but the service cost money, so I charged a small amount for the e-book to help cover costs…and I just didn’t feel very good about doing that. […]

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Aug 19 2009

And the winner is…

Published by under E-book

Everyone! Everyone who commented about their favorite dessert receives a copy of my Bistro Treats ebook. It’s given me some great ideas for desserts to post about in the near future: cheesecake and some sort of apple pie should be appearing soon. And someday, someday a pineapple upside down cake will be on the menu. […]

4 responses so far

Aug 17 2009

Cherry Cheesecake Galette & a Giveaway

Published by under Dessert,E-book

cherry cheesecake galette

I’m the queen of indecision, going back and forth over every possible option until I finally reach a decision. This galette was the product of that indecision. I had a pound of beautiful Bing cherries, a stash of cream cheese, and I simply could not decide what to make. Cheesecake? Cherry Pie? Cherry Tartelettes?

11 responses so far

Aug 15 2009

Madison Bistro Treats

Lemon Tea Cookies

In some ways, mid-August is one of my favorite times of year. Sure, I complain about it being a little too hot, a little too humid, but that very heat and humidity is so important to area crops, not to mention my own garden. The available local produce is at its peak, which translates into […]

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