Sep 20 2009
Archive for the 'E-book' Category
Aug 19 2009
And the winner is…

Everyone! Everyone who commented about their favorite dessert receives a copy of my Bistro Treats ebook. It’s given me some great ideas for desserts to post about in the near future: cheesecake and some sort of apple pie should be appearing soon. And someday, someday a pineapple upside down cake will be on the menu. […]
Aug 17 2009
Cherry Cheesecake Galette & a Giveaway

I’m the queen of indecision, going back and forth over every possible option until I finally reach a decision. This galette was the product of that indecision. I had a pound of beautiful Bing cherries, a stash of cream cheese, and I simply could not decide what to make. Cheesecake? Cherry Pie? Cherry Tartelettes?
Aug 15 2009