Archive for April, 2010

Apr 05 2010


Published by under bread,Breakfast


Croissants: buttery, flaky, decadent. And absolutely delicious. I’ve wanted to make them for ages, but I never seemed to plan ahead enough to make them in time for the weekend. You need to start the dough a day or two before you want to actually bake the croissants, and I used the “not planning” excuse […]

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Apr 02 2010

Rustic Apple Tart

Published by under Dessert

rustic apple tart

Sometimes I think I look for recipes that use puff pastry just so I can make something fun with the second sheet of pastry. I can’t even remember what I used the first sheet for anymore, but for the second, I had planned all along to make an apple tart. Nothing fancy, mind you, but […]

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