Mar 10 2009
How to Make Chicken Stock
What’s more comforting than a pot of soup cooking on the stove? Making soup used to intimidate me, and the thought of making soup stock made me want to run away from my kitchen. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that both are quite easy. If you’ve ever roasted a chicken, you may as well make your own chicken stock, as the process is incredibly simple.
Print Recipe
Chicken Stock
1 chicken carcass*
2 carrots
3 stalks celery
1 parsnip
1 onion
1 bulb garlic
a few sprigs of thyme
a few sprigs of dill
bay leaf
bunch of parsley
To make your soup stock, simply take the leftover chicken carcass and the neck and throw them into a stock pot or dutch oven. Cut the carrots, celery, and parsnip in half or thirds, and throw them in the pot. Cut your bulb of garlic in half, crosswise, and toss it in the pot. Cut the onion into quarters, and toss it all in (no need to peel). Add the herbs and a teaspoon of whole peppercorns,
Cover all ingredients with water and simmer (don’t let it boil!) away on the stove for about four or five hours, or put an oven-proof cooking vessel into the oven at a very low temperature so the stock doesn’t boil. The reason you don’t want the stock to come to a boil is because your stock will be cloudy and not very appealing to look at. Keep the temperature low enough (under 212 F or 100 C), and perhaps even use a thermometer to warn you if the temperature is getting too high.
Remove the carcass and veggies, and strain the stock into a bowl. Cover and refrigerate overnight. The next day, skim the fat off the top of the stock. Either use the stock within three days or put into containers and freeze for up to six months. With homemade stock, you’re getting superior quality soup stock with no preservatives. It tastes better, and it’s better for you.
*If the chicken came with the neck, go ahead and throw that in the pot. An inexpensive way to save stock ingredients is to save the peelings, ends, and skins from carrots, celery, an onions – just start a large freezer bag of stock ingredients. When you make chicken, throw the extra bones or carcass in the freezer until you’re ready to use them. If you have leftover parsley sometime, chop it up and freeze it into ice cubes, so you can just toss the cubes into your stock or any soup that you make.
[…] oz chicken stock or broth 2 cooked chicken breasts, shredded or diced 1 medium onion, diced 1 celery stick, diced 2 […]
[…] For several years now, whenever I would roast a chicken, I would either stash the carcass away in my freezer, or deposit it directly into my soup pot. Last Thanksgiving, the turkey bones were turned into stock for my parents, and just last week, the leftover carcass from a turkey breast became stock (same recipe as chicken stock). […]
[…] of course, don’t forget to make turkey […]
[…] carrots, chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 quarts (about 3 L) chicken stock or vegetable stock* 2 pinches saffron threads 1/2 pound (340 grams) frozen haricots verts** 4 […]
[…] you can cut those off for another use, or just leave them on the bone, and save it all for making chicken stock. Refrigerate […]