Feb 05 2009
The beginning
I know, I’ve given this post a rather profound name. I guess I simply wanted to give you some background on why I’ve decided to start this project. Frankly, I worry that my friends and family are quite tired of always listening to me blather on and on about food, about making this or that, so I needed some sort of outlet.
I love the creation of a new dish, I love flipping through a new magazine, I love getting a new cookbook. I love decorating a dessert, I love the smell of dinner cooking in the oven, I love wandering through the stalls at the farmer’s market. And I love reading food blogs.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea. I love to cook, but there is one slight problem: I absolutely loathe doing dishes. So much, in fact, that sometimes I let laziness get the best of me, and I order takeout.
So I started a blog, both in which to share my love of cooking and baking, but also to keep me in the kitchen and away from the phone.