Tag Archive 'curry'

Oct 20 2011

Curried Squash Soup

curried squash soup with fresh bread

Since I had some cider to use up (courtesy of the apple cider doughnuts), I decided to put some of it to good use in soup. I had a squash sitting around for awhile, earmarked for a new pasta dish I wanted to try out, but when it got cold and windy, all I wanted […]

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Sep 14 2011

Slow Cooker Red Curry

slow cooker curry

A couple of years ago I saw a thread on a message board about slow cookers. A number of women didn’t feel comfortable with leaving a slow cooker on all day unless they were at home. They felt a heated appliance that was turned on all day was a fire hazard. I have to admit, […]

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Sep 04 2010

Green Chicken Curry

Published by under Main Course,Quick Meal,Spring

green chicken curry

It’s only been in the past couple of years that I’ve discovered my love of curry. But until a few weeks ago, I’d never ventured beyond yellow curries. When I opened the can of green curry paste, my sinuses immediately cleared, and I wondered what I had gotten myself into. You see, fifteen years ago, […]

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