Archive for May, 2009

May 21 2009

Mozzarella and Tomato Panini


Each year, I anxiously await garden-fresh tomatoes. Unfortunately, the weather has not cooperated the past two summers, and my tomato plants have had a rather rough time. Two years ago, we had a drought up until the month of August, then so much rain that there was widespread flooding. And still, the rain was too […]

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May 19 2009

Molly’s Slow-Roasted Tomatoes

slow-roasted tomatoes

I stumbled across this recipe last week. I’ve always loved roasted tomatoes, and I’ve frequently taken advantage of roasting to make various varieties of tomato soup in the winter; the roasting process makes even a winter tomato not just palatable, but quite tasty. Roasting tomatoes at a high temperature tends to render them a pile […]

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May 08 2009

Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins

Published by under Breakfast

Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins

I confess, I’ve had little desire lately for cooking, baking, or blogging. My stomach has been wonky the past few weeks, making it difficult to plan meals. So…I’m looking into my archives from recipes of blogs past. Go figure that the recipe I picked would be for muffins, blueberry muffins at that. While this recipe […]

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