Tag Archive 'raspberries'

Jul 17 2011

Peach Raspberry Crisp

Published by under Dessert,Fruit,Summer

Peach Raspberry Crisp

As a kid, my favorite part of summer was playing outside. Well, and of course the long break from school. As an adult, my favorite part of summer is the abundance of fresh produce. Memories of washing off a carrot just pulled from the garden, and munching on it with the greens attached just like […]

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May 08 2011

Red Velvet Cake with Raspberries and Blueberries

Published by under Dessert,Holiday,Spring

the finished cake!

Happy Mother’s Day! This red velvet layer cake with cream cheese frosting and berries was a combination birthday/Mother’s Day cake. I tend to be more of a cupcake girl, but when it comes to a celebration, this cake is perfect. It’s attractive, but not fussy. It’s sweet, but not overly sweet. And because you can […]

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Mar 31 2011

Mille-Feuille Napoleon with Crème Baumanière

Published by under Dessert,Spring

raspberry napoleon

I’ve wanted to make a napoleon for a few years now. What took me so long? Well, I had always imagined I would make my own puff pastry before doing so, but the opportunity never really presented itself. However, recently I happened to have an extra sheet of thawed puff pastry after making some pot […]

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Aug 12 2010

Raspberry Pound Cake

Published by under Breakfast,Dessert,Spring,Summer

served cake

One of my favorite things about the farmers’ market is the mini raspberry pound cake that is sold at an Amish stand. It’s dense and delicious, and no matter how hungry I am, I can never eat as much as I think I can. Sadly, due to a foot injury (my first broken bone ever!), […]

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