Jun 03 2009
Tag Archive 'lemon'
Apr 02 2009
Lemon Risotto with Spring Vegetables
The drop in the price of asparagus is one of the first things in my world to mark the coming of spring. In Wisconsin, this event coincides with my hyacincths and tulips poking their way through the soil. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s difficult to judge the progress of spring by the growing flowers, as they are […]
Mar 09 2009
Lemon Tarts with Raspberries
Every summer, my family has what we like to call our “Jamaica Party.” Basically, we recreate the dishes and drinks we enjoyed during vacations in Jamaica. February-March is usually the time we would go on vacation, and because we don’t have Jamaica as a travel destination this year, we decided to just have another party […]
Feb 25 2009
Lemon Bars
I still remember the first time I made lemon bars. I was in college, and I was finishing up my spring finals. My roommates had already left for summer, and the contents of our cupboards and fridge were dwindling. But there still remained a bottle of lemon juice concentrate. And Betty Crocker just happened to […]